Setagaya Daikanyashiki

This residence is a national important cultural property that is located on the same grounds as the Setagaya Local History Museum. Two structures, the main building and front gate, both with thatched and hip roofs, are designated important cultural properties because they maintain the appearance of a typical upper-class house of the medieval to early modern times. On weekends in mid to late July, events for viewing fringed orchids (Setagaya City’s official flower) and heike-botaru fireflies are held in the garden. Visitors can enjoy strolling through the garden while wrapped in the fairytale-like lights of heike-botaru fireflies.
Address: 1-29-18 Setagaya, Setagaya-ku
Entrance fee: Free
Access: Five-minute walk from Kamimachi Station Closed on Mondays and national holidays
*The residence is scheduled to be closed until the end of November 2019 for repairs.
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (entry is permitted until 4:30 p.m.)